The purpose of this page is to provide a place for Athletes (CLements Baseball, Wells’ Warriors and other Atomic 10 GPP athletes) to receive and share results from a variety of programmed workouts and activities - with minimal equipment. Garage Workouts.
“turning brick walls into doors”
Follow Us on Instagram at Atomic.10.gpp and post your results.
Message Atomic 10 GPP on instagram atomic.10.gpp with your available equipment and we will create a work for you.
Death by 10 meters
With a continuously running clock perform 1 sprint (10 meters) the first minute, 2 sprints (20 meters total - there and back) the second minute, 3 sprints the third minute (30 meters total - there and back and back again), and so on, continuing to add 1 sprint each minute until you cannot complete the required number of 10 meter sprints in the given minute.
Your score is the minute that you fully completed. A good score is 12 - 16.
“Road Show”
Good Mornings (65 lbs or Empty Barbell) 3 x 8
Reverse Snow Angels (6) & Supermans (6) 3 x 12
Bent over Barbell Rows Wide Grip (95 / 65 / 45) 4 x 6
KB or DB Single Arm Rows (70lb) 3 x 8 superset with 45 sec plank hold (90 degree set up and straight pulls)
Biceps & Triceps
Material Hammer Curls* (6 each arm) 2 x6
Straight Barbell Curls (65 / 45) 2 x 6
Narrow grip Chin Ups (Underhand or "supinated" grip) 2 x 6
Plate Skull Crushers (45 / 25) 2 x 6
Dumbell Kickbacks 2 x 12
Close grip floor press (95 / 65) similar to a JM Press but from the floor
Then Max Reps Hang Power clean to Push Press (95 / 65). Rest 2 minutes then repeat trying to maintain reps from first round.
*Material Hammer Curls (Run a towel through the eye of the plate and grip the material to curl the plate). We use a cut up hoodie.
“Insert Athlete Here”
8 Curtis P’s* (95 / 65 / 45)
12 Sit Ups
*1 rep equals Power Clean, right leg lunge, left leg lunge, push press
Rest Then
With Vest if you have one (15 / 10 / 5)
20 Box Step Ups (alternate legs)
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
Floor Press 5 x5 (185 / 135)
KB Pullovers 3 x 10 (70 / 50 KB)
Deficit Push ups 4 x 8 (45lb plates)
Plate Sit Ups 3 x 20 (25 lb plate)
Plate is always extend upward with straight arms
Glutes / Lower Back / Spine
KB One Legged Balance Touch and Go 3 x 10 (50lb)
Empty Barbell Good Mornings 3 x 8
KB Jefferson Stretch 2 x 8
Biceps / triceps / Deltoids
Plate Curls 3 x 10 (25 lb plate)
Plate Tricep Extensions 3 x 10 (45lb plate)
2 Rounds Plate Side Raises (10) Plate Forward Raises (10) Plate Back Raises (10) 10lb Plates
For fun
Banded Standing Supermans
5 RFT (12 Min Max)
8 OHS (Overhead squats) 95/65
10 hang cleans (power)
8 S2OH (Shoulder to Overhead)
10 Single Arm Russian KBs (5 each arm)
“Temple of your dreams”
4 RFT (20 Minute Cap)
5 Strict Pull Ups
20 Air Squats
10 Deficit Push Ups
250 Row (or 40 Jumping Jacks)
20 Sit Ups
10 Burpees
“Liquid Jesus”
Liquid Jesus
10 Pull Ups (Strict)
20 Burpees
30 Box Jumps (24 / 20)
40 KBS (53 / 35)
50 DUs (or 200 singles or 50 Jumping Jacks)
40 KBS
30 Box Jumps
20 Burpees
10 Pull Ups (Strict)
“THe Monster Magnet is Full”
20 Power Cleans (135 / 95)
30 Box Jumps (24 / 20)
20 sec hanging hold and 10 Burpees
20 Squat Cleans (135 / 95)
30 KB or DB Step Ups (Heavy)
20 sec hanging hold and 10 Burpees
20 Back Squats (135 / 95) From the Ground
30 Jumping Lunges
20 sec hanging hold and 10 Burpees
4 Sets of
8 Deficit Push Ups / 10 One Arm Russian KB Swings (5 each arm) (w / heavy KB)
3 sets of
3 Strict Pull Ups / 10 KB shoulder racked squats (5 right shoulder / 5 left shoulder) (use same KB as Russian swings)
2 sets of
20 Plate Flips (10 each hand) / 10 OH Plate Squats (25 lbs or higher)
2 sets of
Max time hang (hang from pull up bar or whatever you have)
“Baseball Workout”
WArm Up
Shoulder Circles 60/60/60/60/60 (small forward / small backwards / large forward / large backwards)
3 Rounds - Not for time - 8 Push Ups, 2 strict Pull Ups, 8 Knee Raises, 2 Burpees.
Strict Shoulder Press
4 sets of 5 building to an exhausting weight
then - 4 x 3 at that weight
4 rounds for time
250 m row
3 Deadlifts (155)
“A Productive 30”
Complete the following work in 30 minutes
3 sets of 8 - Empty Barbell Good Mornings
3 sets of 15 second holds - (Hanging Static Knee Raise)*
3 Rounds of - Jumping Jacks (20) / Push Ups (8) / Sit Ups (12) (no rest between)
Strength - Front Squats
5 sets of 5 to build to a tough 5 reps then
4 sets of 3 @ last barbell weight
Auxiliary - Triceps
* Hanging static knee raise - Hold this position for 15 seconds. you can hold longer (on static knee raises) but remember you have 36 sit ups and 37 Front Squats coming.
“Working to the Max Hold”
5 Complete Sets
6 KB Rows (each arm) (50-70 lbs)
6 Standing Barbell Rows (65 - 95 lbs)
2 Wide grip Pull Ups
4 x 30 secs of Overhead KB (50 -70 lbs) split squats (Split stance with KB overhead. Then repeat - drop back knee to the ground and then raise).
50 seated (elevated feet) Russian Twists (25 lb plate)
4 x 30 second overhead snatch grip holds
Max (time) overhead snatch grip hold (goal of 90 seconds)
“One heavy EMOM”
EMOM - At the start of every minute perform the set work. Rest for the remainder of the minute. Repeat.
For the first 5 Minutes - Every minute on the minute (EMOM) perform
5 Kettle Bell Swings (70 lbs)
3 Burpees
Over the next 5 minutes - Every minute on the minute perform
5 Burpees
3 Kettle Bell Swings (70 lbs)
(totaling 10 Sets). Use a heavy KB. By the time you get to the 6 0r 7th round you should be at a 1:1 work : rest ratio.
Perform the 10 minute EMOM then
Strength - Floor Press. Work up to an exhausting 8 reps. Then perform 3 sets 0f 8 at that weight.
Heavy straight barbell bicep curls (5 sets of 1) and Tricep work. Then core work.
man makers
A single man maker is - with dumbbells in hand. Starting in a plank position, push up, right arm row, left arm row, bring feet up to a crouched position, then perform a squat clean and then press dumb bells overhead. Click to see a Man Maker video.
Work out is as follows
2 Man Makers / rest 30 seconds
4 Man Makers / rest 30 seconds
6 Man Makers / rest 30 seconds
8 Man Makers / rest 1 minute
10 Man Makers - complete
If you do not have dumbbells just do body weight - hold your row position for 3 seconds (core stabilizing) and jump with hands overhead instead of ending with a press.
The 50’s
a Classic body weight work out
50 Push Ups
50 Jumping Jacks
50 Air Squats
50 Jumping Lunges
50 Sit Ups
50 Tricep Dips
You can perform the 50’s in sets of 5 or 10’s if needed. These do not need to be unbroken. But you must complete all 50 before you can advance to the next movement. Your score is the total amount of time required to complete all 300 reps. You can also scale the 50 reps to 30 reps.
Push Ups can be performed with the knees on the ground. This is preferred is you are struggling to stay rigid during the push up.
Air Squats must start with a fully extended hip and your squats must go below parallel (hip crease below the top of your knees.
Sit Ups require the shoulders to pass the hips. These are not crunches.
Tricep extensions can be performed on an edge of a couch, coffee table or any other stable object.
10 Rounds
with 30 second rest between round
360 degrees of elevated Feet plank circle*
2 Heavy Bicep Curls (65 lbs)
5 MedBall sit ups (20 lbs)
*180 degrees going clockwise then complete with 180 degrees counter clockwise
then Cash Out
5 x10 Tricep Work
5 x 6 Elevated Push Ups
Carry something really heavy for 2 minutes